In progress

Here are a few of the projects we are currently working on:

We really love guiding writers along the path to authorship, so we are teaching the author of The Price of Intuition how to do all the steps done. In this twisted tale of suspense, we follow the exploits of Tate, a traveling nurse who just happens to be able to read minds,  as she accidentally listens in on the thoughts of a planned murder…and she can’t leave it alone.

Ben is almost finished with One of a Kind, a horror thriller where we see Rose, an artist of hyper-realistic paintings, going through a difficult relationship…but her solution is less than exemplary. You’ll be horrified to find how she handles a break-up. After that, the hardnosed detectives following the case of the missing boyfriend begin to interfere with her life…so she has to do something about that as well.

We anticipate joining the author in a wonderful launch of this book. 

Art has collected the emails he sent out to family and friends as he was serving in Iraq. Short, almost weekly, tidbits look into the day-to-day activities of a soldier under fire.

Delaney is finishing up a series of books aimed at teaching children about punctuation. The books follow Percy the Period and his friends as they have adventures in Punctuationville. The beautifully illustrated books show to to use periods, exclamation marks, and question marks…so far. Plenty more to come!

Kim is working on her memoir about how she found God and almost lost her child. She submitted an extract into a local Christian writers contest, and plan to help her get her entire story ready to share: Letting Isaac Live.

We’ve been contacted by an author who is writing about his life with Type I Diabetes, but he says that it is not a memoir. We wonder how a non-memoir is going to play out. Keep an eye on this page to see how it goes.

Following up on Pirates Never Bury Their Treasure, Alan Castlerook gives us Pirates Never Change, where we follow the ongoing story of the pirate Marteen as he continues his adventures in the Caribbean seas. We look forward to helping him complete this work as we really enjoyed the first book.